Wednesday, 15 September 2010

The Hangover, Film Poster

Who is the film about?

The film is about 3 rough looking middle aged men. Their facial expressions are all different which shows the variety of personalities in the characters. You can tell by the characters faces that they have some sort of adventure and the baby makes you wonder how it ended up with the 3 men. The two men on the right have direct mode of address which draws the audience in, whereas the man on the left has an indirect mode of address which makes him seem like he's in another world and possibly a bit eccentric.

Where is it set?

From the slogan at the top of the poster we straight away know this film is set in Vegas. It is clear that there will be mishaps and problems as it says 'Some guys just can't handle Vegas'. Also the lights in the background reflect Vegas life and give a glamourous element to the film.

When is it set?

'The Hangover' is set in the modern day, we know this because the characters are wearing modern clothes and the language on the slogan is up to date. You can tell this also from the characters' style of hair and poses they are pulling.

What type of enigmas will occur?

From the look of this poster the characters are going to run into trouble in Vegas and face a few injuries. The film looks chaotic but the characters look interesting and have a comedy element to them. You can see from the poster that the film is a comedy as there is a look of hunmour about it and it is a genuinly amusing film poster.

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